Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the owner of Solar Power Utility Technology?
SPU is owned by Henry Kamahoahoa Fata’aiki, the founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the company.
What does SPU do?
SPU manufactures materials, solar cells, and photovoltaic systems for customers to place on home roofs, commercial buildings and utility scale size projects like solar farms. In addition, all of our technology and systems are installed, operated and maintained as a utility service.
Where is SPU located at?
SPU main office is in Las Vegas, Nevada USA with branch offices in Singapore, Shanghai, China; soon EU and Africa. SPU manufactured its own solar cells in Taiwan and China and provided them to solar panel factories. Currently the company is now planning to open new manufacturing plants in the United States.
When was SPU founded?
Founded in Los Angeles in 1998, SPU designed solar cells for the space satellite industry and then transitioned to terrestrial solar cells. Opened up research facility in Singapore and China in 2003; and in 2011 moved SPU headquarters from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.
Why has no one ever heard of SPU?
SPU became dormant from 2009 to 2021 due to heavy competition of solar panel manufacturers in China; the 2008 financial crisis that caused uncertainty in the market resulting in the global closing of many solar companies and trading conflicts. During our dormancy period, the restructure of the company and business model were made. The design of new technology and systems became complete in 2021, and now active in rushing execution of new projects in the United States.
How is SPU different from others?
SPU is launching a new business model that comprises of manufacturing its new technology and providing utility services on a blockchain network called Project Sunray.
What is Project Sunray?
Project Sunray was created as a blockchain network in which all of SPU technology will be installed on such as roofs, office buildings, fields, etc. where operations and maintenance teams monitor to produce large quantities of electricity with the highest efficiency for customers.
Besides manufacturing their own solar panels, SPU provides utility services?
Yes, unlike others, SPU provides lifetime utility services to maintain the performance of all of our technology and systems. SPU partners with local installers to place our technology on roofs, commercial buildings and utility scale size projects.
When will the new technology be available?
Announcements for our new products will be announced on our website in the coming months.